Working from Home? 8 Tips from a Seasoned Pro

Jennifer L. Harris
5 min readMar 29, 2020
Image by ptra from Pixabay

Many people are now finding themselves working from home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (and if you are one of them…thank you!), but transitioning to a work-from-home environment can present some challenges, and for some it can be a difficult adjustment.

I’ve been working from home since 1997, the age of dial-up internet and AOL, and while I was faced with many challenges that today’s workers thankfully won’t have to face, there are some universal lessons I’ve learned throughout the years that apply as much today as they did back then.

Here are 8 tips to help make the work-from-home transition a little easier:

  1. Workspace: Create a space in your home dedicated to your work, a place that is separate from your daily life. This could be a separate room, a corner of a quiet room, or even a closet. Make sure it’s comfortable and clear of clutter. Keep everything work related in this space so when you’re done working for the day you can put it out of sight and out of mind. With that being said, don’t feel tied to this space 100% of the time. While it’s important to separate your work life from your home life, it’s also important to keep your mind fresh. One way to accomplish this is to get outside. If the weather is nice and you’re able to take your laptop out, go…

