Dear Media, You’re a Disgrace!

Jennifer L. Harris
2 min readApr 9, 2020
Image by PDPics from Pixabay

Since when did you become fiction writers, taking liberties to alter facts in an effort to serve the story rather than serving the people like the reporters you’re supposed to be?

Report (key word!) facts only, please! Leave the fiction to the novelists.

People look to you for information, they trust you to provide them with facts (not opinions), and instead of honoring that trust, you abuse it in an attempt to manipulate emotions and push agendas, all so you can get higher ratings. Shame on you!

Do you really think we’re not on to you? Give us some credit, for goodness’ sake!

Please stop trying to tell us what to think. We have brains and are perfectly capable of forming our own opinions.

I am absolutely sick of the fear-mongering, the hyped-up stats, the blown out of proportion statements, the speculating, and the all out lies. The blatant disrespect for your readers’ time and intelligence is unbelievable.

I can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted reading articles I thought were going to be informative just to find out they were based on speculation, or worse, fake news.

As a writer and editor who works with words all day everyday, I have great respect for them. I take fact-checking very seriously, for my clients and for my own writing…

